
The four seasons of Paanäjarvi on Radia: the spring

And the sun came up
  Broadcasted on Monday, October 3 at 11:30 pm on Radio Grenouille 
and the whole week on the Radia network: http://www.radia.fm
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 And the sun came up is the first sound piece of Nicolas Perret and Cédric Anglaret’s project The four seasons of Paanjärvi in which, since 2009, they focus on the soundscape of the small russian village of Paanajärvi. Isolated in the thick primary forest of oriental Karelia, Paanajärvi seems fallen out of the time. Its inhabitants, the last custodians of the disappearing Karelian culture, live a tough life that is strongly bond to the nature surrounding them.

In the beginning of May, Paanajärvi plunges into spring. The snow melts, the river breaks free from the ice and everyday new birds arrive, new insects overrun the swamps, closely followed by thousands of frogs. For the inhabitants it is time to go outdoor and resume their activities: preparation of the fields for the coming cultures, repairing and putting the row boats back in the river, fishing...

Radia is a network of independent radio stations who have a common interest in promoting and producing artworks produced for radio as well as in forming projects based on broadcasting and cultural exchange. Radia produces a weekly radio show that is broadcasted by each of the member radio stations, representing the local artistic community of each station, whilst pointing to an emergent collective notion of self-determined art for radio.